Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Bumbleblog - buzzing between flowers

The idea behind this blog is to log my adventures in my never ending quest for finding flowers. Its about the flowers and the plants (of course) but its also about what I encounter on the way. Essentially its about nature but I will not restrict it to that - anything (interesting) from my forays into the natural world, be they ten minute walks in the park, ten hour hikes in the mountains or ten month long expeditions (as unlikely as this is), will make it in.

I am new to this blogging thing so I hope my noobness can be worked out fairly quickly and that I can write fairly often. I would like to think that some of my blogs will be quite good guides for those that wish to walk in the same places that I do, we will see.

As I live in Canberra it is likely (at least for the near future) that most of my blogs will concern the local bushland in the area. However, I do like to explore new places, so I hope that areas further afield will also make fairly regular appearances.
A worn out BumbleB taking sustenance at Blue Lake (Kosciuszko National Park)
Oh and don't panic I won't include too many photos of yours truly - mostly the photographs will be much more attractive!


  1. Well as long as the photos aren't of me! Love the blog mate. We'll need to create a little more content soon, although you do have a few walks to put in already. Can't wait to see the blog flourish!

  2. hmm - don't count on it mate, perhaps a photo of you after climbing up that lil' sidetrack hill we did on the Box Vale mine walk. :)

  3. Hi there - do you have any new adventures to blog yet? Missing you!

  4. I have many to add but have been flat out with getting my photos in order. I certainly plan to get this going again once that's done :)
